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Help: Civilian Liaison Term Actions

Civilian liaison officers can take special actions during their terms. This help file describes them. If you aren't sure what civilian liaison officers are, check the Civilian Liaison help file first.

Regular nominations and elections both occur automatically. However, there are other actions that may occur during a term. These actions are not based in coded mechanics, but rather must be roleplayed appropriately with your Voice or a government liaison.

Meetings: Meetings are typically called, scheduled, and presided over by the Voice. Discussions should precede any complicated or far-reaching non-binding resolution to ensure everyone who might vote understands the issues. The Voice is also encouraged to invite their government counterpart when appropriate.

Non-binding resolutions: The most common special action. Non-binding resolutions, or proposals, can be initiated by the Voice at any time using the voting machine in your liaison office's conference room. All active pilots are free to vote however they wish on this proposal. The Voice may then communicate the results to the government. Non-binding resolutions can also conclude by acclamation if a representative portion of the corps is in agreement. However, the government is not obligated to take any action that it does not consider appropriate no matter how many pilots support it; hence "non-binding."

Recall elections: A recall election occurs when an elected office-holder has performed unsatisfactorily and a vote is held to determine whether to remove him or her from office before the term has ended. Most properly, more than one pilot should petition the Voice to initiate such a proposal before it occurs. After an appropriate time, the proposal can be ended and the results should be communicated to the government. If the pilots are in favor of a recall and the government considers their reasoning valid, the office-holder in question will be removed. Pilots may also initiate such an action against their Voice, if the situation calls for it, by petitioning their liaison within the government -- again, this is a serious action and requires the word of more than one pilot.

Resignations: An office-holder may communicate to their government, either through the Voice or directly, that they cannot complete their term and wish to resign. Usually such a resignation will be accepted within a day or two, leaving the position vacant. This action should not be taken lightly, and all players should seek to complete their terms. It is a responsibility both ICly and OOCly -- while of course a game shouldn't be taken too seriously, liaison offices create focal points of roleplay and things can slow down if they are abandoned.

Special election: A special election occurs when a position is vacant in the middle of a term (for instance, after a resignation or a recall election) and must be filled. The Voice should allow at least 24 hours to take nominations and should then list all interested candidates in a single proposal. At the end of the vote, the results must be communicated to the government and the position will be filled. Note that this is the only valid way to fill a vacant position; an office-holder cannot, for example, resign their position and name someone else to fill it.

Negotiations: Voices are authorized to call meetings with representatives from other pilot corps and negotiate for new treaties or other changes in relations. A Voice should communicate openly with his or her government and their own pilot corps throughout this process, and verify via voting that their actions have the corps' approval at every step in the process. A final non-binding resolution must occur to verify the final terms of the agreement. If the government approves the agreement, official documents will be provided for all parties to sign in a final meeting. Note that all treaties must be justified by good roleplaying and must fit current plotlines; buddies in different alliances often want to make their respective corps exchange technology and such, but unless their alliances have a lengthy history of good relations, the governments are unlikely to consider such an exchange. Behind the scenes, theme, current plotlines, and game balance are all taken into consideration when players are seeking new treaties.

Declaration of war: A corps may unilaterally arrive at a resolution of war against another alliance. As with all non-binding resolutions, the government will not necessarily agree, but the issue will be gravely considered and even the possibility of such a resolution is likely to escalate tensions. There should be a good reason to consider such an action, or the government will be questioning the Voice rather strenuously.

In all corps actions, all pilots should be invited to gather to discuss any serious new proposal. Witnesses should also be invited when the Voice determines the results of a proposal. The date and time of any important meeting should be communicated to the government in case the government liaison wishes to attend.

Note, finally, that all office-holders are under particular scrutiny, both by their government and the media, and unwise remarks or actions can result in controversy.

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