Zmnyaz - Member of the aggressive alien species: Outsider.
CURRENT STATUS: IMPRISONED. Held by the EAOS for interrogation.
Hrahk Mununtra - Member of the alien species: Jinu. Previously the ambassador to humanity.
CURRENT STATUS: UNKNOWN. Believed trapped in Second Thirty after the destruction of the "munroujuhk" long-range beacons by the Outsiders.
Flight-Over-Hill - Member of the alien species: Children of the Sun, also known as "Battle Thralls". Part of the Leader Caste.
CURRENT STATUS: Active. Believed to be somewhere in Children of the Sun space, in talks with some form of council.
FULL NAME: Soaring flight over the hillside of home.
Morning-Dew-On-Grass - Member of the alien species: Children of the Sun, also known as "Battle Thralls". Part of the Soldier Caste.
CURRENT STATUS: Active. Believed to be somewhere in Children of the Sun space, in talks with some form of council.
FULL NAME: As the first drops of dew in the morning rest on the tips of the blades of grass on the plains.
"Euclid" - Alien entity from another dimension. Returned with Peter Fienstein through a hyperdimensional rift.
CURRENT STATUS: Active. Somewhere in Known Space.