This document describes the more advanced syntax of emoting, also known as 'posing.' Star Conquest provides many basic socials, such as 'nod' or 'laugh,' but we also offer a rich emote system, where one can specify players and other objects in the world directly, so that they will see 'you' instead of their name.
For example, you could emote the following:
emote stares at ~kailyn for a moment before pointing a finger triumphantly in the air.
:stares at ~kailyn for a moment before pointing a finger triumphantly in the air.
Other players would see something like this:
Sven Arghlestein stares at Kailyn Sanas for a moment before pointing a finger triumphantly in the air.
Kailyn, in this case would see:
Sven Arghlestein stares at you for a moment before pointing a finger triumphantly in the air.
Additionally, you can passively emote, like so:
emote Suddenly, @ jumps into the air, cheering.
:Suddenly, @ jumps into the air, cheering.
Other players would see this:
Suddenly, Sven Arghlestein jumps into the air, cheering.
You can even combine the two, like so:
emote Bullets of sweat drip down @'s face while ~elena speaks.
:Bullets of sweat drip down @'s face while ~elena speaks.
Other players would see:
Bullets of sweat drip down Sven Arghlestein's face while Elena Gibson speaks.
Additionally, one can use :: to eliminate the space after the emote, like so.
::'s metafrequency communicator warbles to life.
Everyone would then see:
Sven Arghlestein's metafrequency communicator warbles to life.
You can use ~ multiple times in an emote, as well:
emote gesticulates wildly at ~jason, ~elena, and ~kailyn.
:gesticulates wildly at ~jason, ~elena, and ~kailyn.
The results of which is left as an exercise to the reader.
When you begin using emotes with more than just two people in the room, frequent usages of ~person and ~person's or ~object can start to get a little old, as well as sometimes confusing. To improve this, we've added pronoun modifiers.
Of the five modifiers, the three you'll most be using is .o, .p, and .q, running off the same previous system of ~person, (tilde person), by adding .letter (dot letter) to the end. This also works for object referral. Remember that you'll always want to start an emote by referencing the person without a modifier, so the room at large knows who you're emoting, because the modifiers will reduce the others to only seeing 'her/him/its', and without the initial ~person they won't know who is being emoted.
o for object pronoun. "Him, her, it," to others in the room and the person using the emote. You to the person the emote is referencing. ~person.o. Emoter: (her) Emoted (you) Third party (her)
p for possessive pronoun (adj). "His, her, its," to the room and person emoting, your to the person referenced. ~person.p. Emoter: (his) Emoted (your) Third party (his)
q for possessive pronoun (noun). "His, hers, its," to the room and the person emoting, yours to the person referenced. ~person.q. Emoter: (her) Emoted (yours) Third party (hers)
:emotes ~kailyn, swinging ~kailyn.o around by ~kailyn.p arm, his fingers twining in ~kailyn.q.
The person sending the emote(Shadow here, but you normally), would see:
Shadow emotes Kailyn Sanas, swinging her around by her arm, his fingers twining in hers.
And for the person being referenced (Kailyn) would see
Shadow emotes you, swinging you around by your arm, his fingers twining in yours.
And the room at large would see
Shadow emotes Kailyn Sanas, swinging her around by her arm, his fingers twining in hers.
Remember objects can be manipulated too, or even creative use on people.
:manipulates ~scanner to scan ~scan.r.
The person sending the emote would see:
Shadow manipulates a small hand scanner to scan itself.
The hand scanner wouldn't see anything, because it's just a sad little hand scanner. Poor thing. If it could see, it would be
Shadow manipulates you to scan yourself.
Others in the room would see the same output as the emoter. Their output is usually similar to the emoter, but there are times it will be slightly different. Don't get discouraged, test it out for a better roleplaying environment and a lot more fun socially!
Some clients may parse certain ascii keys in different ways, either needing an extra tilde, comma, at sign, or colon. Experimentation with others is always useful, pull someone you're comfortable with aside and have them show you their side of the output, until you get the hang of it and know how things will look for other people.
Full listing:
.s => subject pronoun: either `he', `she', or `it'
.o => object pronoun: either `him', `her', or `it'
.p => possessive pronoun (adj): either `his', `her', or `its'
.q => possessive pronoun (noun): either `his', `hers', or `its'
.r => reflexive pronoun: either `himself', `herself', or `itself'